Putting people at the heart of sustainable design
Constructive Thinking Studio’s highly skilled team work nationally for high calibre clients with whom we build long lasting relationships in order to identify and solve challenges through quality design and delivery.
Our retrofit projects include social and private housing, apartment blocks and high rise, offices, hotels and universities. To enhance our architectural skills, we are trained as Energy and Retrofit Assessors (Elmhurst), Retrofit Coordinators (The Retrofit Academy) and we are part of the first consortium to achieve ISO compliance for PAS 2038 retrofit of commercial buildings.
Our award winning portfolio of projects includes TSB Retrofit for the Future (2011); Innovate UK Scaling up Retrofit (2015); NEA Redressing the Balance (2019); BEIS Whole House Retrofit (2020); BEIS SHDFd (4 projects 2021) and BEIS SHDF Wave 1 (6 Projects 2022).

Our approach to retrofit
- We take a digital twin approach to retrofit. We scan and model each building, taking into account the building physics relevant to the fabric and the building’s existing energy performance. We consider long-term maintenance and spatial functionality in order to design the most pragmatic and aesthetically sympathetic schemes.
- We then work with energy modelling software that allows us to evaluate design options in real time, demonstrating energy performance outcomes prior to works commencing on site.
- Proposed solutions address embodied carbon, lifecycle costing, return on investment and future maintenance in order to achieve key reductions in energy cost and carbon footprint. Our BIM approach can also provide digital asset models to support future management of retrofitted buildings.